Thursday, August 19, 2010

First Day


I've been contemplating a blog for a very long time. We have a family one, Max has one of his own. I figured today would be the first day of my own.

Today is a First Day for school. This is significant because it is now the first day that I no longer have any of my beautiful babies at home during the day. I've waited for this day for 14.5 years. Here it is. I'm trying not to think to hard about it... I can say that I have looked forward to a quiet home for a while, but I have learned that I need to enjoy each moment that happens with my kids. I can honestly say that I have.

I remember when Abbie was little and Max and I were in the poor, student, stage of life and I kept looking forward to "when". I had a wise mom of 6 tell me that the floors can wait, take time to read to your babies, and play with them. I wasn't so great at the reading to them (I do have my limits :). But I slowed down and made time for them, and started to learn to live in the moment.

So here I am 14.5 years later and my babies at school. I've learned a lot and had lots of fun. Now it is time for some "me" focused things. I'm running a 1/2 marathon in a month. I've started doing Massages again/or for the first time consistently. I help at school, and I taxi my kids around. I'm busy, but not too busy for a nap here and there :)

A little explanation on the name. Max and I have several nick names we have made up during the past 16.9 years. After the Movie by this same name, Max a few months later started calling me this... occasionally... It has stuck. So thinking about what to call my blog, I think it fits.

Who knows what direction this blog will take, or how diligent I'll be with it in 2 months. I will most likely use it to capture the moments of my life that mean a lot to me, and a little journaling.



  1. Love the name - it's creative and perfect!

  2. I love Nora Drown!! Im comin for that massage!!

  3. Cute pics of the girls on the first day. I miss you!
